Sotirios Xydis is a Graduate in Electrical and Computer Engineering (2005) from the National Technical University of Athens. He received a Master’s Degree in Techno-Economic Systems in 2011 and a PhD from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of NTUA also in the same year. Between 2011-2013, he worked as a Post-doctoral Researcher at the Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria of the Politecnico di Milano, with conducting research on design space exploration and optimization techniques for heterogeneous multi-/many-core hardware architectures. Since 2014, he has been a collaborating researcher at the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS). Between 2015-2018, he worked as an Engineer at the Operator of the Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network (HEDNO). Then, for the period 2020-2023, he served as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Informatics and Telematics at the Harokopion University of Athens. From February 2023 he is an Assistant Professor at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Sector of Information and Computer Technology) of the National Technical University of Athens.
His research interests focus on hardware/software co-design of digital systems, heterogeneous system optimization techniques for low power and/or energy-efficient hardware accelerators, and memory and resource management in embedded and cloud computing systems. He has participated in more than 15 European and national research and development projects as a Researcher, Technical Coordinator and Principal Investigator.
Dr. Xydis’ research work includes more than 120 publications in international scientific journals, proceedings of international conferences and books, while his work has cited more than 1500 times according to Google Scholar. He is regularly a Reviewer or member of Program Committees at key conferences in his area such as DATE, FPL, ICCAD, DAC, ISCA, etc. His research work has been honored three times with the best scientific paper award at international scientific conferences, i.e. IEEE/NASA/ESA Adaptive Hardware Systems (AHS 2007), ACM Parallel Programming and Run-Time Management Techniques for Many-core Architectures (PARMA 2013) and ACM Computing Frontiers (CF 2020), while he has received a Hipeac award for his work at DAC’19 and DAC’20.
- Christoforos Kachris ,
- Elias Koromilas ,
- G. Stamelos ,
- Georgios Zervakis ,
- Sotirios Xydis and
- Dimitrios Soudris
“Energy-efficient acceleration of Spark Machine Learning applications on FPGAs,” pp. 91-109, Book Chapter in Christoforos Kachris, Babak Falsafi and Dimitrios Soudris, “Hardware Accelerators in Data Centers”
Springer Publishers, 2018. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-92792-3 -
- Vasileios Tsoutsouras ,
- Dimitra Azariadi ,
- Konstantina Koliogeorgi ,
- Sotirios Xydis and
- Dimitrios Soudris
“Software Design and Optimization of ECG Signal Analysis and Diagnosis for Embedded IoT Devices,” in Book “Components and Services for IoT Platforms: Paving the Way for IoT Standards”
Editors Nikolaos Voros, Georgios Keramidas and Michael Hübner, Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319- 42304-3_15 -
- Cristina Silvano ,
- William Fornaciari ,
- S. Crespi Reghizzi ,
- G. Agosta ,
- G. Palermo ,
- V. Zaccaria ,
- Patrick Bellasi ,
- F. Castro ,
- Simone Corbetta ,
- A. Di Biagio ,
- E. Speziale ,
- M. Tartara ,
- D. Siorpaes ,
- H. Hubert ,
- B. Stabernack ,
- J. Brandenburg ,
- M. Palkovic ,
- P. Raghavan ,
- Chantal Ykman-Couvreur ,
- Alexandros Bartzas ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Dimitrios Soudris ,
- T. Kempf ,
- G. Ascheid ,
- R. Leupers ,
- H. Meyr ,
- J. Ansari ,
- P. Mahonen and
- B. Vanthournout
“2PARMA: Parallel Paradigms and Run-time Management Techniques for Many-Core Architectures” Book Chapter in “VLSI 2010 Annual Symposium”
Editors Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Volume 57, pg. 65-79, 1st Edition., 2011, VIII, 331 p. Springer Netherlands, August 31, 2011, ISBN 978-94-007-1487-8 -
- B. Candaele ,
- S. Aguirre ,
- M. Sarlotte ,
- Iraklis Anagnostopoulos ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Alexandros Bartzas ,
- Dimitris Bekiaris ,
- Dimitrios Soudris ,
- Zhonghai Lu ,
- Xiaowen Chen ,
- J.M. Chabloz ,
- A. Hemani ,
- A. Jantsch ,
- G. Vanmeerbeeck ,
- J. Kreku ,
- K. Tiensyrja ,
- Fragkiskos Ieromnimon ,
- D. Kritharidis ,
- A. Wiefrink ,
- B. Vanthournout and
- P. Martin
“The MOSART Mapping Optimization for multi-core ArchiTectures,” Book Chapter in “Designing Very Large Scale Integration Systems: Emerging Trends & Challenges”
Editors: N. Voros, A. Mukherjee, N. Sklavos, K. Masselos, M. Huebner, Springer 2011 -
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Kiamal Pekmestzi ,
- Dimitrios Soudris and
- George Economakos
“A High Level Synthesis Exploration Framework with Iterative Design Space Partitioning,” Book Chapter in “Designing Very Large Scale Integration Systems: Emerging Trends & Challenges”
Editors: N. Voros, A. Mukherjee, N. Sklavos, K. Masselos, M. Huebner, Springer 2011
Book Chapters
- Farzad Samie ,
- Vasileios Tsoutsouras ,
- Lars Bauer ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Dimitrios Soudris and
- Joerg Henkel
Distributed Trade-Based Edge Device Management in Multi-Gateway IoT
ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems DOI: 10.1145/3134842 -
Walking through the Energy-Error Pareto Frontier of Approximate Multipliers
IEEE Micro DOI: 10.1109/MM.2018.043191124 -
- Efstathios Sotiriou-Xanthopoulos ,
- Leonard Masing ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Kostas Siozios ,
- Jurgen Becker and
- Dimitrios Soudris
OpenCL-based virtual prototyping and simulation of many-accelerator architectures
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems DOI: 10.1145/3242179 -
Rusty: Runtime Interference-Aware Predictive Monitoring for Modern Multi-Tenant Systems
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2021, DOI: 10.1109/TPDS.2020.3013948 -
- Farzad Samie ,
- Vasileios Tsoutsouras ,
- Lars Bauer ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Dimitrios Soudris and
- Joerg Henkel
Oops: Optimizing operation-mode selection for IoT edge devices
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 2019, DOI: 10.1145/3230642 -
Multi-Level Approximate Accelerator Synthesis under Voltage Island Constraints
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2019, DOI: 10.1109/TCSII.2018.2869025 -
Rusty: Runtime System Predictability Leveraging LSTM Neural Networks
IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, 2019, DOI: 10.1109/LCA.2019.2924622 -
LOOG: Improving GPU Efficiency with Light-Weight Out-Of-Order Execution
IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, 2019, DOI: 10.1109/LCA.2019.2951161 -
Energy-efficient VLSI implementation of multipliers with double LSB operands
IET Circuits, Devices and Systems, 2019, DOI: 10.1049/iet-cds.2018.5039 -
Decoupled MapReduce for SharedMemory Multi-core Architectures
IEEE Computer Architecture Letters. July-December 2018 DOI: 10.1109/LCA.2018.2827929 -
- Eleftherios-Iordanis Christoforidis ,
- Sotirios Xydis and
- Dimitrios Soudris
CF-TUNE: Collaborative Filtering Auto-Tuning for Energy Efficient Many-Core Processors
IEEE Computer Architecture Letters (Volume: 17, Issue: 1, Jan.-June 1 2018) DOI: 10.1109/LCA.2017.2716919 -
- Georgios Zervakis ,
- Fotios Ntouskas ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Dimitrios Soudris and
- Kiamal Pekmestzi
VOSsim: A Framework for Enabling Fast Voltage Over-Scaling Simulation for Approximate Computing Circuits
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems, Volume: 26, Issue: 6, June 2018 DOI: 10.1109/TVLSI.2018.2803202 -
Application-Arrival Rate Aware Distributed Run-Time Resource Management for Many-core Computing Platforms
IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems 2018 DOI: 10.1109/TMSCS.2018.2793189 -
SoftRM: SelfOrganized Fault-Tolerant Resource Management for Failure Detection and Recovery in NoC based Many-Cores
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), special issue of paper from CODES+ISSS: International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign, and System Synthesis, Seoul, South Korea October 15-20, 2017 DOI: 10.1145/3126562 -
An Exploration Framework for Efficient High-Level Synthesis of Support Vector Machines: Case Study on ECG Arrhythmia Detection for Xilinx Zynq SoC
Journal of Signal Processing Systems, March 2017 DOI: 10.1007/s11265-017-1230-1 -
- Georgios Zervakis ,
- Kostas Tsoumanis ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Dimitrios Soudris and
- Kiamal Pekmestzi
DesignEfficient Approximate Multiplication Circuits Through Partial Product Perforation
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems (VLSI), 2016 -
- Efstathios Sotiriou-Xanthopoulos ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Kostas Siozios ,
- George Economakos and
- Dimitrios Soudris
A Framework for Interconnection-Aware Domain-Specific Many-Accelerator Synthesis
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), Volume 16 Issue 1, November 2016 -
- Efstathios Sotiriou-Xanthopoulos ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Kostas Siozios ,
- George Economakos and
- Dimitrios Soudris
An Integrated Exploration and Virtual Platform Framework for Many-Accelerator Heterogeneous Systems
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), Volume 15 Issue 3, July 2016 -
- Dionisis Diamantopoulos ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Kostas Siozios and
- Dimitrios Soudris
Mitigating Memoryinduced Dark Silicon in Many-Accelerator Architectures
IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, Vol.: 14, Issue: 2, March 2015 -
- Dionisis Diamantopoulos ,
- Kostas Siozios ,
- Sotirios Xydis and
- Dimitrios Soudris
GENESIS: Parallel Application Placement onto Reconfigurable Architectures
ACM TECS, Trans. Embedded Computing Systems, Vol. 14, No. 1, Article 18, January 2015 -
- Dionisis Diamantopoulos ,
- Kostas Siozios ,
- Sotirios Xydis and
- Dimitrios Soudris
A Systematic Methodology for Reliability Improvements on SoC-based Software Defined Radio Systems
VLSI Design, Volume 2012 -
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Kiamal Pekmestzi ,
- Dimitrios Soudris and
- George Economakos
Compiler-in-the-Loop Exploration During Datapath Synthesis for Higher Quality Delay-Area Trade-offs
ACM TODAES, Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, Vol. 18, No. 1, Article 11, December 2012 -
- Iraklis Anagnostopoulos ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Alexandros Bartzas ,
- Zhonghai Lu ,
- Dimitrios Soudris and
- A. Jantsch
Custom Microcoded Dynamic Memory Management for Distributed On-Chip Memory Organizations
IEEE Embedded Systems Letters. Volume: 3 Issue:2, June 2011 -
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Christoforos Economakos ,
- Dimitrios Soudris and
- Kiamal Pekmestzi
High Performance and Area Efficient Flexible DSP Datapath Synthesis
IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, 19, No. 3, March 2011
- Konstantinos Iliakis ,
- H. Timko ,
- Sotirios Xydis and
- Dimitrios Soudris
BLonD++: Performance analysis and optimizations for enabling complex, accurate and fast beam dynamics studies
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series DOI: 10.1145/3229631.3229640 -
- S. Mouselinos ,
- Vasileios Leon ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Dimitrios Soudris and
- Kiamal Pekmestzi
TF2FPGA: A Framework for Projecting and Accelerating Tensorflow CNNs on FPGA Platforms
2019 8th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies, MOCAST 2019, DOI: 10.1109/MOCAST.2019.8741940 -
- Dimosthenis Masouros ,
- Konstantina Koliogeorgi ,
- Georgios Zervakis ,
- A. Kosvyra ,
- A. Chytas ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Ioanna Chouvarda and
- Dimitrios Soudris
Co-design Implications of Cost-effective On-demand Acceleration for Cloud Healthcare Analytics: The AEGLE approach
Proceedings of the 2019 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, DATE 2019, DOI: 10.23919/DATE.2019.8714934 -
- Vasileios Leon ,
- K. Asimakopoulos ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Dimitrios Soudris and
- Kiamal Pekmestzi
Cooperative arithmetic-aware approximation techniques for energy-efficient multipliers
Proceedings - Design Automation Conference, 2019, DOI: 10.1145/3316781.3317793 -
- Konstantina Koliogeorgi ,
- N. Voss ,
- S. Fytraki ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Georgi Gaydajiev and
- Dimitrios Soudris
Dataflow acceleration of smith-waterman with traceback for high throughput next generation sequencing
Proceedings - 29th International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications, FPL 2019, DOI: 10.1109/FPL.2019.00021 -
Resource-Aware MapReduce Runtime for Multi/Many-core Architectures
Proceedings of the 2020 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, DATE 2020, DOI: 10.23919/DATE48585.2020.9116281 -
- Konstantinos Iliakis ,
- H. Timko ,
- Sotirios Xydis and
- Dimitrios Soudris
Scale-out beam longitudinal dynamics simulations
17th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers 2020, CF 2020 - Proceedings, DOI: 10.1145/3387902.3392616 -
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Eleftherios-Iordanis Christoforidis and
- Dimitrios Soudris
DDOT: Data driven online tuning for energy efficient acceleration
Proceedings - Design Automation Conference, 2020, DOI: 10.1109/DAC18072.2020.9218734 -
Exploration of GPU sharing policies under GEMM workloads
in Proceedings of International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems (SCOPES) 2020 -
- Konstantina Koliogeorgi ,
- Dimosthenis Masouros ,
- Georgios Zervakis ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Tobias Becker ,
- Georgi Gaydajiev and
- Dimitrios Soudris
AEGLE’s Cloud Infrastructure for Resource Monitoring and Containerized Accelerated Analytics
in IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), 2017 DOI: 10.1109/ISVLSI.2017.70 -
- Michail Doukas ,
- Sotirios Xydis and
- Dimitrios Soudris
Dataflow Acceleration of scikit-learn Gaussian Process Regression
in PARMA-DITAM 2017 Workshop, 8th Workshop on Parallel Programming and Run-Time Management Techniques for Many-core Architectures - 6rd Workshop on Design Tools and Architectures for Multicore Embedded Computing Platforms, 2017 -
- Farzad Samie ,
- Vasileios Tsoutsouras ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Lars Bauer ,
- Dimitrios Soudris and
- Joerg Henkel
Computation Offloading Management and Resource Allocation for Low-power IoT Edge Devices
in IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things, 2016 -
Multi-Level Approximation for Inexact Accelerator Synthesis Under Voltage Island Constraints
in Workshop on Approximate Computing, 2016 -
- Farzad Samie ,
- Vasileios Tsoutsouras ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Lars Bauer ,
- Dimitrios Soudris and
- Joerg Henkel
Distributed QoS Management for Internet of Things under Resource Constraints
Internet of Things: A Holistic Perspective, IoT Day is part of CODES+ISSS, 2016 -
- Konstantions Railis ,
- Vasileios Tsoutsouras ,
- Sotirios Xydis and
- Dimitrios Soudris
Energy Profile Analysis of Zynq-7000 Programmable SoC for Embedded Medical Processing: Case study on ECG Arrhythmia Detection
in Proc. of 26th International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS), 2016 -
Performance-Power Exploration of Software-Defined Big Data Analytics: The AEGLE Cloud Backend
in International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS), 2016 -
- Dimitra Azariadi ,
- Vasileios Tsoutsouras ,
- Sotirios Xydis and
- Dimitrios Soudris
ECG Signal Analysis and Arrhythmia Detection on IoT wearable medical devices
in Proc. of 5th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST), 2016 -
- Andreas-Lazaros Georgiadis ,
- Sotirios Xydis and
- Dimitrios Soudris
Deploying and Monitoring Hadoop MapReduce Analytics on Single-chip Cloud Computer
PARMA-DITAM Workshop, 7th Workshop on Parallel Programming and Run-Time Management Techniques for Many-core Architectures – 5th Workshop on Design Tools and Architectures for Multicore Embedded Computing Platforms, 2016 -
- Dionisis Diamantopoulos ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Kostas Siozios and
- Dimitrios Soudris
High-Level Synthesis Extensions for Scalable Single-Chip Many-Accelerators on FPGAs
in PhD Forum, International Conference on Field-programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), 2015 -
- Efstathios Sotiriou-Xanthopoulos ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Kostas Siozios ,
- George Economakos and
- Dimitrios Soudris
Rapid Prototyping and Design Space Exploration Methodologies for Many-Accelerator Systems
PhD Forum, International Conference on Field-programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), 2015 -
- Vasileios Tsoutsouras ,
- Dimitra Azariadi ,
- Sotirios Xydis and
- Dimitrios Soudris
Effective Learning and Filtering of Faulty Heart-Beats for Advanced ECG Arrhythmia Detection using MIT-BIH Database
in Procedings of 5th International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare (MOBIHEALTH), 2015 -
Job-Arrival Aware Distributed Run-Time Resource Management on Intel SCC Manycore Platform
in Proceedings of 13th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC), 2015 -
- Dimitrios Soudris ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Christos Baloukas ,
- Anastasia Hadzidimitriou ,
- Ioanna Chouvarda ,
- Kostas Stamatopoulos ,
- Nicos Maglaveras ,
- John Chang ,
- Andreas Raptopoulos ,
- David Manset ,
- Barbara Pierscionek ,
- Reem Kayyali ,
- Nada Phillip ,
- Tobias Becker ,
- Katerina Vaporidi ,
- Eumorphia Kondili ,
- Dimitrios Georgopoulos ,
- Lesley-Ann Sutton ,
- Richard Rosenquist ,
- Lydia Scarfo and
- Paolo Ghia
AEGLE: A Big Bio-Data Analytics Framework for Integrated Health-Care Services
in Proceedings of International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, MOdeling and Simulation (SAMOS), 2015 -
- Andreas Raptopoulos ,
- Sotirios Xydis and
- Dimitrios Soudris
Reconfigurable Computing for Analytics Acceleration of Big Bio-Data: The AEGLE Approach
in Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC), 2015 -
- Vasileios Tsoutsouras ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Dimitrios Soudris and
- Leonidas Lymperopoulos
SWAN-iCARE project: On the Efficiency of FPGAs Emulating Wearable Medical Devices for Wound Management and Monitoring
in Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC), 2015 -
- Dionisis Diamantopoulos ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Kostas Siozios and
- Dimitrios Soudris
Dynamic Memory Management in Vivado-HLS for Scalable Many-Accelerator Architectures
in Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC), 2015 -
A HW/SW Framework Emulating Wearable Devices For Remote Wound Monitoring and Management
in Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare (MOBIHEALTH), 2014 -
- Efstathios Sotiriou-Xanthopoulos ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Kostas Siozios ,
- George Economakos and
- Dimitrios Soudris
Hardware Accelerated Rician Denoise Algorithm for High Performance Magnetic Resonance Imaging
in 4th International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare (MOBIHEALTH), 2014 -
- Efstathios Sotiriou-Xanthopoulos ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Kostas Siozios ,
- George Economakos and
- Dimitrios Soudris
Effective Platform-Level Exploration for Heterogeneous Multicores Exploiting SimulationInduced Slacks
in PARMA-DITAM 2014 Workshop, 5th Workshop on Parallel Programming and RunTime Management Techniques for Many-core Architectures - 3rd Workshop on Design Tools and Architectures for Multicore Embedded Computing Platforms, 2014 -
- Dionisis Diamantopoulos ,
- Kostas Siozios ,
- Sotirios Xydis and
- Dimitrios Soudris
A Framework for Supporting Parallel Application Placement onto Reconfigurable Platforms
in Proceedings of PARMA Workshop, 2013 -
- Dionisis Diamantopoulos ,
- Kostas Siozios ,
- Sotirios Xydis and
- Dimitrios Soudris
Thermal optimization for micro-architectures through selective block replication
in Proceedings of Int. Conf. on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, MOdeling and Simulation (SAMOS), 2011 -
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Ioannis Stamelakos ,
- Alexandros Bartzas and
- Dimitrios Soudris
Runtime Tuning of Dynamic Memory Management For Mitigating Footprint-Fragmentation Variations
in Proceedings of 2nd PARMA Workshop on Parallel Programming and Run-Time Management Techniques for Manycore Architectures, 2011 -
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Alexandros Bartzas ,
- Iraklis Anagnostopoulos ,
- Dimitrios Soudris and
- Kiamal Pekmestzi
Custom Multi-Threaded Dynamic Memory Management for Multiprocessor System-on-Chip Platforms
in Proceedings - 2010 International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation (SAMOS), 2010 -
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Kiamal Pekmestzi ,
- Dimitrios Soudris and
- George Economakos
High-Level Synthesis Methodologies for Delay-Area Optimized Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Coprocessor Architectures
in Proc. of IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), 2010 -
- Cristina Silvano ,
- William Fornaciari ,
- S. Crespi Reghizzi ,
- G. Agosta ,
- G. Palermo ,
- V. Zaccaria ,
- F. Castro ,
- Simone Corbetta ,
- A. Di Biagio ,
- E. Speziale ,
- M. Tartara ,
- D. Siorpaes ,
- H. Hubert ,
- B. Stabernack ,
- J. Brandenburg ,
- M. Palkovic ,
- P. Raghavan ,
- Chantal Ykman-Couvreur ,
- Alexandros Bartzas ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Dimitrios Soudris ,
- T. Kempf ,
- G. Ascheid ,
- R. Leupers ,
- H. Meyr ,
- J. Ansari ,
- P. Mahonen and
- B. Vanthournout
2PARMA: Parallel Paradigms and Run-time Management Techniques for Many-Core Architectures
in Proc. of IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), 2010 -
- B. Candaele ,
- S. Aguirre ,
- M. Sarlotte ,
- Iraklis Anagnostopoulos ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Alexandros Bartzas ,
- Dimitris Bekiaris ,
- Dimitrios Soudris ,
- Zhonghai Lu ,
- Xiaowen Chen ,
- J.M. Chabloz ,
- A. Hemani ,
- A. Jantsch ,
- G. Vanmeerbeeck ,
- J. Kreku ,
- K. Tiensyrja ,
- Fragkiskos Ieromnimon ,
- D. Kritharidis ,
- A. Wiefrink ,
- B. Vanthournout and
- P. Martin
Mapping Optimisation for Scalable multi-core ARchiTecture: The MOSART approach
in Proc. of IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), 2010 -
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Christos Skouroumounis ,
- Kiamal Pekmestzi ,
- Dimitrios Soudris and
- George Economakos
Efficient High Level Synthesis Exploration Methodology Combining Exhaustive and Gradient-Based Pruned Searching
in Proc. of IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), 2010 -
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Christos Skouroumounis ,
- Kiamal Pekmestzi ,
- Dimitrios Soudris and
- George Economakos
Designing Efficient DSP Datapaths Through Compiler-in-the-Loop Exploration Methodology
in Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2010 -
- George Economakos ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Ioannis Koutras and
- Dimitrios Soudris
Construction of Dual Mode Components for Reconfiguration Aware High-Level Synthesis
in Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), 2010 -
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- George Economakos ,
- Dimitrios Soudris and
- Kiamal Pekmestzi
Joint Exploitation of Horizontal/Vertical Parallelism and Operation Chaining for Flexible DSP Synthesis
in IFIP/IEEE International Conference on VLSI -SOC, 2008 -
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- George Economakos ,
- Dimitrios Soudris and
- Kiamal Pekmestzi
Mapping DSP Applications onto HighPerformance Architectural Templates with Inlined Flexibility
in Proceedings of NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems (AHS), 2008
Interference-Aware Orchestration in Kubernetes
Workshop on Virtualization in High-Performance Cloud Computing  BibTeX@inproceedings{tzenetopoulos2020interference, title={Interference-Aware Orchestration in Kubernetes}, author={Tzenetopoulos, Achilleas and Masouros, Dimosthenis and Xydis, Sotirios and Soudris, Dimitrios}, booktitle={International Conference on High Performance Computing}, pages={321--330}, year={2020}, organization={Springer} } -
HLS code transformation strategies and directives exploration for FPGA accelerated ECG analysis
in 10th HiPEAC Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing, January 19th, 2016, Prague -
- Alexandros Bartzas ,
- Patrick Bellasi ,
- J. Brandenburg ,
- William Fornaciari ,
- Ioannis Koutras ,
- Giuseppe Massari ,
- G. Palermo ,
- Edoardo Paone ,
- Cristina Silvano ,
- Dimitrios Soudris ,
- Sotirios Xydis and
- V. Zaccaria
Cooperative Design Space Exploration and Run-Time Resource Management for Application Adaptivity on Multi-Core Platforms: A Networked Video Surveillance Use Case
DEPCP Friday Workshop,held in conjunction with the DATE 2013 Conference -
- Dionisis Diamantopoulos ,
- Kostas Siozios ,
- Sotirios Xydis and
- Dimitrios Soudris
Thermal-aware SoC design through micro-architectures selective block replication
in ACACES 2012, Eighth International Summer School on Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for High-Performance and Embedded Systems, 8-14 July, 2012, Fiuggi, Italy -
- V. Zaccaria ,
- G. Palermo ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Chantal Ykman-Couvreur ,
- Alexandros Bartzas ,
- Dimitrios Soudris ,
- Iyad Al Khatib and
- Cristina Silvano
A Design Space Exploration Prototype for Run-Time Support on Manycore Architectures
Work-In-Progress Workshop, June 6, 2012, Design Automation Conference, San Francisco, USA -
- Iraklis Anagnostopoulos ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Alexandros Bartzas ,
- Zhonghai Lu ,
- Dimitrios Soudris and
- A. Jantsch
Custom Microcoded Dynamic Memory Management for McNoC Platforms with Distributed Memories
Poster in DEPCP 2011, DATE Friday Workshop on Designing for Embedded Parallel Computing Platforms: Architectures, Design Tools, and Applications -
- Iraklis Anagnostopoulos ,
- Xiaowen Chen ,
- Alexandros Bartzas ,
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Zhonghai Lu ,
- Dimitrios Soudris and
- A. Jantsch
Microcoded Dynamic Memory Allocation for Multi-core Networks-on-Chip
in ACACES 2010, 11-17 july, 2010, Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain -
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Iraklis Anagnostopoulos ,
- Alexandros Bartzas and
- Dimitrios Soudris
Dynamic Memory Management Customization for Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chip
- Sotirios Xydis ,
- Iraklis Anagnostopoulos ,
- Alexandros Bartzas ,
- Dimitrios Soudris and
- George Economakos
Dynamic Memory Management Customization for Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chip
Designing for Embedded Parallel Computing Platforms: Architectures, Design Tools, and Applications, DATE'10 Friday Workshop, March 8-12, 2010
Explore Resource Configurations for Serverless Functions
Academic Advisors: Achilleas Tzenetopoulos , Dimosthenis Masouros , Sotirios Xydis and Dimitrios SoudrisBrief: PDF -
Impact analysis of micro-architectural changes on power using virtual performance counters
Brief: PDF -
Sparsity and Loop Optimizations in Computational Fluid Dynamics
Academic Advisors: Panagiotis Eleftherakis , Giorgos Anagnostopoulos , Konstantinos Iliakis and Sotirios XydisBrief: PDF -
ML Accelerated Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Academic Advisors: Panagiotis Eleftherakis , Giorgos Anagnostopoulos , Konstantinos Iliakis and Sotirios Xydis -
Dynamic Hyperparameter Tuning for HPC Applications
Academic Advisors: Panagiotis Eleftherakis , Giorgos Anagnostopoulos , Konstantinos Iliakis and Sotirios XydisBrief: PDF -
Communication Aware Model Compression for Distributed Learning
Academic Advisors: Panagiotis Eleftherakis , Giorgos Anagnostopoulos , Konstantinos Iliakis and Sotirios XydisBrief: PDF -
Energy-Based Behavioural Modelling Tool
Academic Advisors: Georgios Alexandris , Panagiotis Chaidos , Alexis Maras , Sotirios Xydis and Dimitrios SoudrisBrief: PDF -
Modeling ML applications on R-Blocks CGRA
Academic Advisors: Panagiotis Chaidos , Alexis Maras , Georgios Alexandris , Sotirios Xydis and Dimitrios SoudrisBrief: PDF -
Leveraging Large Language Model Prompting for Rapid High-Level Synthesis Kernel Optimization
Brief: PDF -
RISC-V co-processor for AI
Academic Advisors: Dimitrios Soudris , Sotirios Xydis and Bhatt Vijay DeepBrief: PDF -
Replacing Fixed FSMs with Tiny RISC-V Implementations
Academic Advisors: Dimitrios Soudris , Sotirios Xydis and Bhatt Vijay DeepBrief: PDF -
Machine Learning for Operating System-level Page Management
Academic Advisors: Dimosthenis Masouros , Manolis Katsaragakis , Thaleia Dimitra Doudali , Sotirios Xydis and Dimitrios SoudrisBrief: PDF -
Machine Learning for Cloud Resource Management
Academic Advisors: Dimosthenis Masouros , Thaleia Dimitra Doudali , Sotirios Xydis and Dimitrios SoudrisBrief: PDF -
ML-based, interference-aware container orchestration on Kubernetes
Academic Advisors: Achilleas Tzenetopoulos , Dimosthenis Masouros , Sotirios Xydis and Dimitrios SoudrisBrief: PDF -
Interference-aware container orchestration on Kubernetes based on Synthetic to Real-world Workload pressure Mapping
Academic Advisors: Achilleas Tzenetopoulos , Dimosthenis Masouros , Sotirios Xydis and Dimitrios SoudrisBrief: PDF -
Serverless Computing Topics
Academic Advisors: Achilleas Tzenetopoulos , Dimosthenis Masouros , Sotirios Xydis and Dimitrios SoudrisBrief: PDF -
Novel Out-of-Order GPU Architectures for Deep Learning Acceleration
Academic Advisors: Konstantinos Iliakis and Sotirios XydisBrief: PDF -
Accelerating NGS genomic pipelines leveraging Heterogeneous Computing and Serverless Computing Architectures
Academic Advisors: Konstantina Koliogeorgi , Achilleas Tzenetopoulos , Dimosthenis Masouros , Sotirios Xydis and Dimitrios SoudrisBrief: PDF -
Automated Fine-Grained Resource Management on Serverless Computing Architectures
Academic Advisors: Achilleas Tzenetopoulos , Dimosthenis Masouros , Sotirios Xydis and Dimitrios SoudrisBrief: PDF -
From Edge to Cloud: Dynamic Workload Placement on Edge – Cloud Platforms
Academic Advisors: Achilleas Tzenetopoulos , Manolis Katsaragakis , Sotirios Xydis and Dimitrios SoudrisBrief: PDF -
Developing a framework that automatically produces OpenCL accelerator description from CNN model specification
Brief: PDF -
Building optimized FPGA accelerators for CNN prediction and comparison with GPU accelerators
Brief: PDF -
Application of Approximate Computing Techniques on the NVIDIA Deep Learning Accelerator (NVDLA)
Brief: PDF -
Dataflow Acceleration Of Genome Analysis Workflows For Big Data Applications Running On A Cloud Infrastructure With Heterogeneous Architecture
Brief: PDF
Explore Resource Configurations for Serverless Functions
Academic Advisors: Achilleas Tzenetopoulos , Dimosthenis Masouros , Sotirios Xydis and Dimitrios SoudrisBrief: PDF -
Impact analysis of micro-architectural changes on power using virtual performance counters
Brief: PDF -
Sparsity and Loop Optimizations in Computational Fluid Dynamics
Academic Advisors: Panagiotis Eleftherakis , Giorgos Anagnostopoulos , Konstantinos Iliakis and Sotirios XydisBrief: PDF -
ML Accelerated Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Academic Advisors: Panagiotis Eleftherakis , Giorgos Anagnostopoulos , Konstantinos Iliakis and Sotirios Xydis -
Dynamic Hyperparameter Tuning for HPC Applications
Academic Advisors: Panagiotis Eleftherakis , Giorgos Anagnostopoulos , Konstantinos Iliakis and Sotirios XydisBrief: PDF -
Communication Aware Model Compression for Distributed Learning
Academic Advisors: Panagiotis Eleftherakis , Giorgos Anagnostopoulos , Konstantinos Iliakis and Sotirios XydisBrief: PDF -
Energy-Based Behavioural Modelling Tool
Academic Advisors: Georgios Alexandris , Panagiotis Chaidos , Alexis Maras , Sotirios Xydis and Dimitrios SoudrisBrief: PDF -
Modeling ML applications on R-Blocks CGRA
Academic Advisors: Panagiotis Chaidos , Alexis Maras , Georgios Alexandris , Sotirios Xydis and Dimitrios SoudrisBrief: PDF -
Leveraging Large Language Model Prompting for Rapid High-Level Synthesis Kernel Optimization
Brief: PDF -
RISC-V co-processor for AI
Academic Advisors: Dimitrios Soudris , Sotirios Xydis and Bhatt Vijay DeepBrief: PDF -
Replacing Fixed FSMs with Tiny RISC-V Implementations
Academic Advisors: Dimitrios Soudris , Sotirios Xydis and Bhatt Vijay DeepBrief: PDF -
Machine Learning for Operating System-level Page Management
Academic Advisors: Dimosthenis Masouros , Manolis Katsaragakis , Thaleia Dimitra Doudali , Sotirios Xydis and Dimitrios SoudrisBrief: PDF -
Machine Learning for Cloud Resource Management
Academic Advisors: Dimosthenis Masouros , Thaleia Dimitra Doudali , Sotirios Xydis and Dimitrios SoudrisBrief: PDF -
ML-based, interference-aware container orchestration on Kubernetes
Academic Advisors: Achilleas Tzenetopoulos , Dimosthenis Masouros , Sotirios Xydis and Dimitrios SoudrisBrief: PDF -
Interference-aware container orchestration on Kubernetes based on Synthetic to Real-world Workload pressure Mapping
Academic Advisors: Achilleas Tzenetopoulos , Dimosthenis Masouros , Sotirios Xydis and Dimitrios SoudrisBrief: PDF -
Serverless Computing Topics
Academic Advisors: Achilleas Tzenetopoulos , Dimosthenis Masouros , Sotirios Xydis and Dimitrios SoudrisBrief: PDF -
Novel Out-of-Order GPU Architectures for Deep Learning Acceleration
Academic Advisors: Konstantinos Iliakis and Sotirios XydisBrief: PDF -
Accelerating NGS genomic pipelines leveraging Heterogeneous Computing and Serverless Computing Architectures
Academic Advisors: Konstantina Koliogeorgi , Achilleas Tzenetopoulos , Dimosthenis Masouros , Sotirios Xydis and Dimitrios SoudrisBrief: PDF -
Automated Fine-Grained Resource Management on Serverless Computing Architectures
Academic Advisors: Achilleas Tzenetopoulos , Dimosthenis Masouros , Sotirios Xydis and Dimitrios SoudrisBrief: PDF -
From Edge to Cloud: Dynamic Workload Placement on Edge – Cloud Platforms
Academic Advisors: Achilleas Tzenetopoulos , Manolis Katsaragakis , Sotirios Xydis and Dimitrios SoudrisBrief: PDF -
Developing a framework that automatically produces OpenCL accelerator description from CNN model specification
Brief: PDF -
Building optimized FPGA accelerators for CNN prediction and comparison with GPU accelerators
Brief: PDF -
Application of Approximate Computing Techniques on the NVIDIA Deep Learning Accelerator (NVDLA)
Brief: PDF -
Dataflow Acceleration Of Genome Analysis Workflows For Big Data Applications Running On A Cloud Infrastructure With Heterogeneous Architecture
Brief: PDF